Selected Credits:
Editor/Writer – “The Folk Revival” Three hour series for PBS racing the history of folk music and
its impact on social movements from the early 20th century to the present day. (2024)
Producer/Writer/Editor – “Iconic America - Cowboys” Eight episode PBS series explores the myth
versus the reality of iconic national symbols with host David Rubenstein. (2023)
Editor – “One More Mission” Feature documentary on the historic impact of the
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and how their lost stories and forgotten lessons could help
prevent the next war. A work-in-progress. Produced by Ed Gray Films. (2022)
Producer/Writer – “Climate Across America” & “Friendship” Full length treatments on the impact
of climate change on diverse communities and regions throughout the U.S., and the biological basis
of the hard-wired instinct for forming friendships. For the PBS series Nova. (2021)
Editor – “Politicos 2020” The sequel to the Peabody, duPont-Columbia, and Emmy Award winning
series for PBS “Vote for Me: Politics in America.” Center for New American Media. (2020)
Producer/Director/Writer – “Death Row Stories” Eight one-hour documentaries for the CNN series
about the use of the death penalty in the United States. Jigsaw Productions & Sundance Productions
- Alex Gibney & Robert Redford Executive Producers. (2013-2019)
Producer/Writer – “Last Defense” A four hour in-depth examination of the trial of Darlie Routier,
who has been on death row for more than 20 years for the murder of two of her children. ABC
Television Network (2018)
Producer/Writer – “Against the Odds: Cuba in Africa” A feature documentary work-in-progress
about how Cuba’s support of independence movements in Africa led to the end of apartheid. (2017)
Producer/Writer/Editor – “Alaska Gold” A Frontline about the battle over the digging of a giant
copper and gold mine in the pristine area of Bristol Bay, Alaska. PBS (2012)
Producer/Director/Writer/Editor – “Journalists Under Attack” A history and profile of the
Committee to Protect Journalists on the occasion of its 30th Anniversary. Ken Levis Films (2011)
Editor – “Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness” A feature length bio of the great Yiddish
writer whose novels were the basis of “Fiddler on the Roof”. Produced by Joe Dorman. (2011)
Senior Producer/Writer/Editor – “The Narcotic Farm” A history of the Federal prison/hospital in
Lexington Kentucky, the first to treat drug addiction as a medical rather than criminal problem, and
temporary home to many of America’s greatest jazz artists. PBS (2008)
Producer/Director/Writer/Editor – “Struggle for the Soul of Islam: Inside Indonesia” About the rise of
Islamic extremism in the world’s most populous Muslim nation. PBS (2007)
Producer/Director/Writer – “Addicted to Oil: Thomas L. Friedman Reporting” About the geopolitics
of America’s energy consumption and alternatives to oil. Discovery (2006)
Producer/Director/Writer – “Does Europe Hate Us?: Thomas L. Friedman Reporting” About anti-
Americanism in Europe in the wake of President Bush’s re-election. For the Discovery Channel’s
Spotlight series. (2005)
Producer/Director/Writer/Editor – “The Other Side of Outsourcing: Thomas L. Friedman
Reporting” About the impact of globalization on Indian society, and its implications for the future
world economy. Discovery Channel’s Spotlight series. (2004)
Producer/Director/Writer/Editor – “West Bank Wall: Thomas L. Friedman Reporting” An
in-depth examination of both sides of the controversy surrounding the wall Israel is building in the West
Bank. Discovery Channel’s Spotlight series. (2003)
Senior Producer/Director/Writer/Editor – “Inside North Korea” About the historical and political
forces that shape the ongoing conflicts. New York Times TV & Discovery. (2003)
Senior Producer/Writer/Editor – “Nuclear Nightmares: Losing Control” A ninety minute PBS
Special about the global crisis of nuclear proliferation, and the growing threat of loose nukes in the
age of terror. Part of the PBS series Avoiding Armageddon. (2003)
Producer – “Report From Ground Zero” A two hour Special Presentation for the ABC network
commemorating the one year anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. (2002)
Producer/Director/Writer/Editor – “Journalists Under Fire” About the Pentagon’s policy of
limiting press access during the war in Afghanistan. For PBS’s Media Matters. (2002)
Producer/Writer/Editor – “Trail of a Terrorist” Winner of duPont-Columbia Gold Baton. A
Frontline on Ahmed Ressam, the ‘Millennium Bomber,’ who tells the inside story of how a terrorist
cell operates in North America. (2001)
Producer/Writer/Senior Editor – “Drug Wars” Winner of the Peabody Award, Emmy Award, &
Writers Guild of America Award. A four hour series tracing the history of the U.S. government’s
thirty year war against drugs. For PBS’s Frontline. (2000)
Producer/Director/Writer/Editor - "Evil Rising" The story of Hitler's path to power, from down and
out drifter to absolute ruler. Part of the prime-time series The Century on ABC, with Host/Narrator
Peter Jennings. ABC/News. (1999)
Producer/Director/Writer/Editor – “Notes from the Ballpark” A behind the scenes look at covering
the NY Yankees for the NY Times. For PBS’s Media Matters. (1999)
Writer/Editor – “Justice for Sale” An Emmy nominated Frontline about campaign contributions to
judicial candidates undermining confidence in our courts. With Bill Moyers. (1999)
Editor – “Winter Dreams” Peabody Award winner. Ninety minute portrait of F. Scott Fitzgerald,
for PBS’s American Masters. Produced by Dewitt Sage. (2001)
Senior Editor – “The Crash” About the causes and consequences of the global financial crisis of
1998. Edward R. Murrow Award winner. Frontline. (1999)
Producer/Editor - "Secrets of an Independent Counsel" The case history of an investigation, from
the perspective of Independent Counsel Donald Smaltz. Produced with Michael Kirk for PBS's
Frontline. (1998)
Producer/Editor - "The $50,000 Wave" About Big Wave surfers in Northern California, and the
dangers of corporate promotions that encourage reckless competitions. For the ABC/News
magazine Out There. (1998)
Producer/Editor - "The Fixers" About a husband and wife team of political hustlers from Hawaii
who became major players in the campaign finance scandals of 1996. Produced with Michael Kirk
for Frontline. (1997)
Co-Producer/Editor - "The Political Education of Maggie Lauterer" Winner of 1996 Peabody
Award, duPont-Columbia Award, and Emmy Award for Best Editing. Ninety minute portrait of a
Congressional campaign, depicting the trials, tribulations, and humiliations of running for office in
North Carolina. Part of the PBS series Vote for Me: Politics in America. Center for New American
Media. (1996)
Producer/Editor - "Navy Blues" 1996 Emmy Award. An investigation of the ongoing turmoil in
the Navy in the aftermath of the Tailhook scandal, and the events leading up to the suicide of
Admiral Mike Borda, Chief of Naval Operations. Frontline. (1996)
Producer/Editor - "Waco: The Inside Story" Winner of 1995 Peabody Award. In depth
examination of the standoff at the Branch Davidian compound from the FBI's point of view,
detailing key events and decisions that led to its tragic resolution. Frontline. (1995)
Director/Editor - "George Marshall and the American Century" Winner of 1992 Emmy Award.
A feature length biography of the former Army Chief of Staff, Secretary of State and Nobel
Laureate for Peace. A PBS Special Presentation. (1991)
Director/Editor - "Mr. Sears' Catalogue" One hour historical documentary about the impact of the
famous mail order catalog on turn of the century America, for the PBS series The American
Experience. Obenhaus Films, Inc. (1989)
Editor - "Dangerous World: The Kennedy Year" A two hour ABC/News Special about the secret
life and policies of JFK. Based on Seymour Hersh's The Dark Side of Camelot, with Peter
Jennings. Mark Obenhaus & Edward Gray producers. (1997)
Editor - "The Vanishing Father" A Frontline about the effects of single parenting on children and
the changing role of fathers. D.L. Sage Productions. (1995)
Editor - "The Orphan Train" Emmy Award nominee for Best Editing, about the Children's Aid
Society's practice of shipping big city orphans to rural communities in the hope of finding a new
home. For PBS’s American Experience. Ed Gray Films. (1994)
Editor - "Martin Scorsese's Personal Journey Through American Movies" A three part series on
the history of American films from the perspective of one of America’s greatest directors.
Produced by the British Film Institute and directed by Martin Scorsese. (1994)
Editor - "Innocence Lost: The Verdict" Winner of 1993 duPont-Columbia Award, and the Grand
Prize at Banff Film Festival. Four hour Frontline special about one of the largest child sexual
abuse cases in U.S. history. Ofra Bikel Productions. (1993)
Editor - "Faith Under Fire" A PBS special about the suppression of religion in Poland and
Czechoslovakia under communism, and the role of the underground church in the democratic
revolutions of 1989, with President Vaclav Havel. Sage Productions. (1992)
Editor – “Idols of the Game: Love and Money” A two hour documentary tracing the history of the
relationship between sports and big business, from Joe Jackson to Michael Jordan. TBS (1994)
Editor - "We Shall Overcome" About the history of the civil rights anthem, and the role of music in
social movements past and present. Winner of 1988 Emmy Award. PBS (1988)
Editor - "Miles Ahead: The Music of Miles Davis" A biographical documentary for PBS’s Great
Performances series about the world renowned jazz artist. Obenhaus Films (1986)
Producer/Director/Editor - "Jackie McLean on Mars" About the life and times of the great jazz
saxophonist. Mobil Award for Best Documentary. Ken Levis Films. (1985)
New York University/School of the Arts. B.F.A. Summa Cum Laude. |